Asset Managers

Digital subscriptions that delight your investors

Nova transforms your subscription paperwork into intelligent workflows that investors love. As they use Nova, they build a financial identity that makes it easier to complete future investments with you.

Our product helps people at...

The Problem

We’re all tired of going back and forth on subscription paperwork for every investment.  It’s exhausting for you and your investors, and it’s impossible to track transaction status or connect the data to other systems.

The Solution

With Nova, we can solve this by...

  • Dynamic formsForms that know exactly what the investor needs to answer
  • Composable workflowsIntegrated workflows from service providers on the network, including fund admins like NAV and custodians like Directed IRA
  • Consistent identity profilesInvestors can use their Nova Identity to simplify future investments
  • Flexible APIYour data flows freely to anywhere you want it to go
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with the Nova team

The Product

A suite of tools for investment managers

We have built the most robust tools for investors who need insight, control, and customization for their investment processes. We continue to build out new functionality each month.


Data Room

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Case Management

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Investor Portal

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